Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Jan 24, 2012

http://www.snapps4kids.com/applicationreview/ - apps for special needs kids
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-wLOfjVfVc - Kinect controls Win 7 - like Tom Cruise...
http://www.udacity.com/ - online classes from former Stanford profs - Build a search engine, or a robotic car
http://us.partnersinlearningnetwork.com/Pages/default.aspx - MS Partners in Learning website
http://edtechideas.com/2012/01/12/four-creative-commons-photo-sites-you-should-know-about/ - open source photo websites - use these instead...
http://www.stykz.net/index.php - free stick figure animation site - like Pivot but more
http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/geophysics/visualizations/PTMovements.html - plate tectonic visualizations - Carole King is a geologist:  "I feel the earth move... under my feet..."
http://www.saylor.org/ - free college level classes online - do you get what you pay for...?
http://www.thirteen.org/get-the-math/ - supercharged math site - ties math to video, fashion, games, etc
http://www.freepastpapers.co.uk/ - collection of KS1-3 English, Maths and Science past SATs papers
http://kidsruby.com/ - ruby programming for kids - includes support for the $25 Raspberrypi computer: http://www.raspberrypi.org/
http://reminderguru.com/ - schedule reminders to any email, text, or phone
http://www.youareyourwords.com/ - most cool... make an ascii image of you using your own words!
