Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Diigo Ed Picks - Dec 6, 2011

http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_ipod/family/apple_tv?afid=p219|GOUS&cid=AOS-US-KWG - Apple TV - new toy - $99
http://theteachingpalette.com/ - art teaching blog - well-made
http://www.eschoolnews.com/2011/11/23/survey-reveals-teens-experiences-on-social-networking-sites/ - survey of teens on social networking sites
http://www.sd25.org/~tfuglestad/art/Fugleblog/Fugleblog.html - artsy blog by Mrs Fuglestad - pretty good...
http://mastersinarteducation.com/2010/top-50-art-education-blogs/ - collection of artsy blogs - must be a trend
http://digitalarttutorials.blogspot.com/ - digital art tutorials - now, This is Art...
http://mrsmatott.wordpress.com/ - best art blog I found... interesting "squirt" art etc
http://www.worldology.com/ - interactive world maps - be better if you could make them - could use PowerPoint - lot of work...
http://letspocket.com/ - cross platform tool to help you remember stuff - of course, you have to remember how to get to Pocket...
http://edutechdatabase.wikispaces.com/Math#.Tt5cetUkLTr - tech tools for math
http://collabracam.com/ - shared video clips can be edited into a movie - could be used like a video Google-doc...
http://www.howtosmile.org/ - science and math activities - even search by chemical!

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