Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 31, 2012

http://edudemic.com/2012/05/best-web-tools-slides/ - Edudemic - Top 100 tools for learning in 2011 - slideshow with ratings and links - *****
http://www.classroom20.com/ - Reminder: Classroom 2.0 - great Saturday webinars - *****
http://thejournal.com/articles/2012/07/25/5-things-not-to-do-during-an-ipad-rollout.aspx - THE journal - 5 things not to do during an iPad rollout - ****
http://youtu.be/7u6ozCGQWr4 - Google - Advanced use of Google Forms for educators - ****
http://www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit/365641 - livebinder of webtools by type - ****
http://goo.gl/DnwvG - 5 Hallmarks of good homework assignments - ****
http://presentationtube.net/ - PresentationTube - record, upload, share videos - made for teachers - ***
http://www.naiku.net/quick-question/ - Naiku QuickQuestion - instant feedback from mobiles and computers - ***
http://arthistoryworlds.org/ - Art and history - very beautiful and informative - ***
http://qualityrubrics.pbworks.com/w/page/992395/Home - QualityRubrics Wiki - discussions and guidelines - ***
http://goo.gl/W1q2D - self publishing by the numbers - infographic - ***
http://www.teachingheart.net/indexofc.html - TeachingHeart - Back to school giveaways for K-3 - ***
http://smartphonenation.com/2010/12/top-ipad-apps-for-college-students/ - top iPad apps for college students - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/15-great-free-apps-for-professional.html - EdTechandMobile - 15 free iPad apps for professional development - ***
http://www.wiziq.com/ - WizIQ - Online teaching platform - costs - **

