Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fwd: Diigo Ed Picks - June 26, 2012

http://buildwithchrome.com/ - Australian virtual Lego site - collaborative
http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/2858588/list/Get-Ready-for-the-Smart-Coffee-Table - Microsoft Smart Coffee table
http://goo.gl/4m1LL - ReadWriteThink - copyright site lesson plans, etc.
http://goo.gl/u7S5G - Chronicle of Higher Ed - Comics in the classroom and beyond - blog with resources
http://diipo.com/about.html - Diipo - social networking for your class
http://goo.gl/pXZfX - Mobile Apps that let you share a URL
http://vozme.com/index.php?lang=en - VozMe - type a block of text, creates an MP3 - you can embed the reader/mp3 writer into your web page
http://www.wested.org/cs/tdl/print/docs/tdl/home.htm - Technology to support diverse learners
http://edtech.mrooms.org/login/index.php - Moodle Rooms at Boise State - need login to use, but has resource links
