Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Apr 17, 2012

http://www.slader.com/ - Homework help by other students - not sure if they should be using textbook examples or rather similar ones...
http://www.fluency21.com/ - 21st Century Fluency Project - excellent blogs, videos, etc. - examples:
http://www.fluency21.com/blogpost.cfm?blogID=2625 - 21st Cent. Fluency Project - Lots of concerns about iPads in the classroom
http://www.fluency21.com/blogpost.cfm?blogID=2615 - 21st Cent. Fluency Project - Building good search skills
http://visual.merriam-webster.com/ - nice visual version of MW dictionary
http://www.bundlenut.com/ - create URL bundles - squirrel burying nuts metaphor...
http://baileybunch6.blogspot.com/2012/04/get-your-group-grokking.html - blog about InstaGrok engine - new way to search & learn at same time
https://hackpad.com/ - collaborative notepad/wiki
http://1066game.com/ - History video game built around Battle of Hastings 1066
http://krazydad.com/krypto/ - Krazydad downloadable puzzles - could turn some of these into online ones with some javascript...
http://www.sociableblog.com/2012/04/15/college-professors-are-using-twitter/ - college profs using twitter to re-engage their students - good ideas
