Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Diigo Ed Picks - Nov 29, 2011

http://www.sumopaint.com/home/ - seen this before - seems to be a very capable photo editing program
http://www.livebrush.com/ - drawing app - easy-to-use brush tool that reacts to your gesture
http://www.tuxpaint.org/ - an old standby with a new look - drawing program for 3 and up - even runs on a "Sharp Zaurus Linux-based PDA (handheld computer)"...
http://games.cs.washington.edu/refraction/ - teaching fractions through game play
http://www.educationeye.org.uk/ - weird: Maps hundreds of top educational websites, blogs, etc onto an interactive circular map you can customize
http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/ - NASA solar system site - and I thought asteroids were what you use Preparation H for...
http://www.parade.com/health/2011/10/age-based-internet-guidelines.html - age-based guidelines for Internet usage
https://www.microsoft.com/security/pc-security/password-checker.aspx - passoword strength checker - this would make a great scam...
http://singularityhub.com/2010/10/30/we-dont-need-digital-textbooks-we-just-need-digital-education-video/ - digital media doesn't belong in textbooks...
http://www.wonderville.ca/ - very graphic science education site - impressive
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XGK84Poeynk#! - cool mashup of Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye - "We are all connected"
http://goo.gl/l9NFq - students vote pass/fail on flipped classes

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