Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Sept 25, 2012

http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/21/youtube-interactive-quizzes-to-videos-beta/ - YouTube interactive quizzes beta - *****
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC_T9ePzANg&feature=youtube_gdata_player - Future Learning Short Documentary - great video - dare you to watch it! - *****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/12-great-educational-videos-you-should.html - TED-Ed videos you should not miss - ****
http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2012/09/20/3593847.htm - ABCScience - Great article on quantum computers - they're coming someday... - ****
http://captiontube.appspot.com/ - CaptionTube - easily add captions to YouTube videos - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/08/the-top-educational-ipad-apps-every.html - EdTechandMobile - Top Ed iPad apps (100+) - ****
http://www.vle.monash.edu/supporttraining/learnbytech/moodle/index.html - MonashU - Learning topics for Moodle 2 - ****
http://blog.simplek12.com/education/top-10-ways-to-wake-up-students/ - ILoveEdTech - Top 10 ways to wake up students in class - funny and useful tips - ****
http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&EntryId=4692 - Tech&Learning - Using word clouds in the classroom - ****
http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&EntryId=4724 - Tech&Learning - 40 Sites for educational games - ****
http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&EntryId=4798 - Tech&Learning - Bringing your textbook to life - with a webinar - ****
http://wrangl.com/ - online debate site - build pro/con arguments - ***
http://techtoolsforschools.blogspot.com/2010/01/facebook-project-template.html - Facebook template - e.g. do a virtual performance of Shakespeare play - ***
http://www.storybird.com - image based story books to build and publish - pick an artist and use just their images - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/twitter-tools-for-teachers.html - EdTechandMobile - Twitter tools for your professional development - ***
http://goo.gl/Ey7VG - NYTimes - Rules for Writing Well - ***
http://edudemic.com/2012/09/amsterdam-school-facebook-timeline-history-classes/ - Edudemic - Use Facebook timeline in history class - ***
http://gettingsmart.com/blog/2012/07/35-sources-curated-educational-videos/ - GettingSmart - Sources for curated educational videos - ***
http://readlists.com/ - ReadList - bundle web pages into an eBook - export to your device - ***
http://www.procon.org/ - ProCon - Pros and cons of controversial issues - lots to work with these days... - ***
http://wikimindmap.org/ - Wiki Mind Map - pick a wikipedia, create a mind map to share/download - ***
http://www.edutopia.org/blog/kinect-classroom-andrew-miller - Edutopia - Kinect in the classroom - ***
http://blended.online.ucf.edu/ - UCF - Blended Learning Toolkit - resources for blended learning - ***
http://goo.gl/5nQiN - Lifehacker - Create resume templates to look personalized - ***
http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2012/09/chockadoc-catalog-of-online.html#.UFzLx1EQfCY - FreeTech4Teachers - Chocadoc - online free documentaries - **
http://www.ted.com/talks/daphne_koller_what_we_re_learning_from_online_education.html - TED - Coursera online learning for 100,000 at a time - **
http://www.sketchometry.com/ - Sketchometry - Intuitive math software for tablets, computers, and whiteboards (not very intuitive to me...) - **
http://tweetingearth.com/ - TweetingEarch - view live tweets by timezone and hashtag - **
https://sites.google.com/a/olds.ac.uk/oldsmooc/start - OLDSMooc - Register interest in MOOC on curriculum design using OER's - **
http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/educators.aspx - ArtsEdge - Kennedy Center Art education site - **


Friday, September 21, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Sept 21, 2012

http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/4-great-guides-for-21st-century-teachers.html - EdTechandMobile - 4 Edutopia Guides for 21st century teachers - ****
http://teacherswithapps.com/50-best-ipad-apps-for-reading-disabilities/ - TeachersWithApps - iPad apps for reading disabilities - also http://edudemic.com/2012/09/the-50-best-ipad-apps-for-students-with-reading-disabilities/ - ****
http://www.schoolcio.com/Default.aspx?tabid=136&EntryId=4879 - SchoolCIO - iPad deployment tips from an IT perspective - ****
http://www.onlinecollege.org/2012/09/18/15-free-learning-sites-you-havent-heard-yet/ - OnlineCollege.org - Free Learning Sites you haven't heard of - ****
http://www.arkive.org/ - ARKive - Discover worlds most endangered species - great photos and info - ****
http://goo.gl/2hQlM - EduBlogs - Fair Use, copyright, using images - an activity - ****
http://presurfer.blogspot.fr/2012/09/banned-books.html - PreSurfer - Video of phrases from banned books - very clever! - ****
http://www.agoogleaday.com/ - Embedded search lessons with Google - rather cool and fun - ****
http://homeworktips.about.com/od/learningstyles/a/leftbrain.htm - About - Study advice for left-brain students (organized, math/science, critical...) - ****
http://donalomahony.edublogs.org/2012/09/17/the-first-ever-byod-not-byot-class-i-taught/ - ElearningIsland - First experience with BYOD in a middleschool class - ****
http://ebookfriendly.com/2012/09/15/writing-tips-by-famous-authors-that-you-can-share-as-images/ - Slideshow of posters of famous writers - very cool! - ****
http://store.makerbot.com/replicator2.html - MakerBot - Replicator 2 desktop 3D printer (I want one!) - ****
http://www.jotform.com/ - JotForm - easy online form building - responses by email - ***
http://goo.gl/D8Fvg - Password protect your USB drive - ***
http://transcribe.wreally.com/ - transcribe from audio file to text (Chrome) - ***
http://captiontube.appspot.com/help/ - CaptionTube - easily caption YouTube videos (Note: YT has an automatic caption - audio must be clear...) - ***
http://www.myhistro.com/story/olympic-games/4951#!london-summer-olympics-13581 - MyHistro - map-based timelines - ***
http://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/09/17/new-e-book-export-feature-enabled-on-wikipedia/ - eBook export from Wikipedia - ***
http://elearnmag.acm.org/best-practices-tips.cfm - ELearn by ACM - best practices and tips for elearning - online articles - ***
http://goo.gl/UBLYv - LearnerWeblog - Creatology - slideshow reflections on the creative process - ***
http://answergarden.ch/ - AnswerGarden - Type an 'answer' and online users contribute questions - e.g. "A creative classroom activity"... - ***
http://www.freewritingprompts.net/ - FreeWritingPrompts - 55 sets of writing prompts for various grades and lessons - PDF and .doc formats - ***
http://goo.gl/9QDzF - FreeTech4Teachers - Skitch - iOS and Android photo/sketch app with blurring, annotation, etc. - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/a-step-by-step-guide-on-how-to-find.html - EdTechandMobile - Guide to find licensed images for classroom use - ***
http://www.airpano.com/ - AirPano - 360deg aerial panoramas of world locations - ***
http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/collabracam-collaborative/id415466771?mt=8 - CollabraCAM - multi-camera video collaboration app - ***
http://lisahistory.net/wordpress/2012/09/escape-the-complexity-by-looking-backward/ - Lisa's Blog - Simplify by looking backward - reflections on Moodle, Engrade, etc - ***
http://www.appsusergroup.org/presentations/interactive-pres - Creating Interactive Google Presentations for quizzes and stories (Classroom 2.0 webinar) - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/5-awesome-examples-of-how-students-can.html?m=1 - EdTechandMobile - Students Using iBooks Author for Learning - ***
http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/10/puppet-lab-safety-video/ - Wired - Puppets teaching Lab Safety - ***
http://jqfundamentals.com/ - fundamentals of JQuery - **
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFyjKRW1FkM - Video Games for learning - research with handheld game designs - **
http://yttm.tv/ - yttm - pick a year, click and travel back to watch videos from the past - cute - some YouTube links missing - **
http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ - mutopia - free sheet music for everyone - **
http://www.gameaccessibilityguidelines.com/basic/ - Gaming accessibility design document - **
http://www.ibiblio.org/ - Ibiblio - One of the largest free info databases online - **


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Sept 15, 2012

http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/6-great-video-tools-for-teachers.html - EdTechandMobile - 6 great video tools for teachers - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/teachers-simple-guide-to-teaching-with.html - EdTechandMobile - Teachers guide to teaching with videos - ****
http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com/Creativity+Tools - CoolTools4Schools - Creativity tools - many unusual ones - ****
http://www.creativebloq.com/iphone/photos-3d-models-iphone-912732 - Autodesk - online photos to 3D model app - send photos, get 3D model back - cool! - also http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/123d-catch/id513913018?mt=8 - ****
http://store.makerbot.com/replicator.html - MakerBot - Replicator - a 3D printer you can buy now - $1-2K - ****
http://musghillss.eq.edu.au/home/jfewt3/ipadproject/ - MusgraveHillSchool - iPad reflections - great web page.. - ****.
http://www.picturetopeople.org/ - PictureToPeople - Online graphic effects for images and text - cool! - ****
http://www.google.com/alerts - Google Alerts - set your own - ****
http://goo.gl/7oAg6 - Lifehacker - You should be using a VPN - ****
http://goo.gl/rWwoY - MicrosoftatHome - Top 14 websites for students - ****
http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-youtube-url-tricks-you-should-know-about/ - MakeUseOf - 10 Youtube URL tricks you should know - ****
http://goo.gl/EAIsi - FreeTech4Teachers - ScreenLeap - share your screen - no signup - ****
http://goo.gl/Tp5Y6 - MakeUseOf - password protect your flash drive - ***
http://www.easel.ly/ - create and share visuals online - infographics... - ***
https://code.google.com/p/course-builder/ - Google Course Builder - online course creater from Google - ***
http://class2go.stanford.edu/ - Class2Go - Stanford online learning software coming soon - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/5-great-infographic-creation-tools-for.html - EdTechandMobile - 5 great infographic creation tools for teachers - ***
http://venturelab.stanford.edu/education - designing a new learning environment - Stanford free online course starting Oct 15 - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/what-teachers-need-to-know-about-byod.html - EdTechandMobile - What to know about BYOD - ***
http://meetings.io/ - effortless video meetings - no signup or software needed - ***
http://www.hamstersoft.com/ - free video and ebook creation software for the Mac - ***
http://www.booktango.com/ - free eBook creation - ***
http://goo.gl/uDyFj - PCAdvisor - Use MS Word to create an eBook - ***
http://www.totalrecorder.com/index.htm - TotalRecorder - record, edit, convert any video, audio - $17 to $99 - ***
http://edudemic.com/2012/09/5-must-have-ios-apps-for-writers/ - Edudemic - iOS apps for writers - ***
http://www.factmonster.com/ - InformationPlease - Fact Moster - facts and lessons in all areas - ***
http://www.webs.uidaho.edu/info_literacy/ - Information literacy modules from U of Idaho - ***
http://www.musictheory.net/ - Music theory site with lessons, tools, apps - ***
http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks - openCulture - 375 free eBooks - ***
http://facstaff.uww.edu/jonesd/games/index.html - Parade of PowerPoint Games - ***
http://www.oercommons.org/ - OER commons - Open Educational Resources - ***
http://soundgecko.com/ - SoundGecko - text to audio on any device - ***
http://app.groupmap.com.au/ - GroupMap - Group Mind Mapping - Chrome/Safari only - ***
http://www.iconarchive.com/ - Icon archive 400K icons - **
http://jqfundamentals.com/ - fundamentals of JQuery - **
http://cropper.codeplex.com/ - cropper - screen capture in C# - example of a coding project - **
http://goo.gl/EUeCI - Are QR codes on the way out? - **
http://www.spicynodes.org/index.html - SpicyNodes - build interactive tree web pages to spice up your website - **
http://vihart.com/doodling/ - Doodling in Math class - cute videos - **
http://www.mygalaxies.co.uk/qzr2an/ - Spell words using thumbnails of galaxies - **
http://jimhough.com/cf/ibquestions.html - Icebreaker questions - good for online discussions - **


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Sept 4, 2012

http://www.triptico.co.uk/ - Triptico - desktop app with over twenty interactive, fully-customizable resources - ****
http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/245623 - EverNote for educators (a Livebinder) - ****
http://company.playonsports.com/school - PlayON - online school sports broadcast website - live and on-demand broadcasts (would Skype work...?) - ****
http://classroom.jc-schools.net/basic/la-grammar.html - JCSchools - collection of games and resources for language arts - ****
http://planetary.org/get-involved/contests/osirisrex/ - Planetary Society name that asteroid contest - ***
http://lightningbug.com.au/ - LightningBug - help with writing a story - ***
http://axon.wellcomeapps.com/ - Axon game - teaches about neurons and the brain - a bit noisy, but uses visual skills well - ***
http://chemreference.com/ - periodic table - somewhat interactive - otherwise pretty boring... - **
http://www.abcya.com/word_clouds.htm - ABCya - word clouds for kids - nothing fancy - they could do a lot of fun things with it... - **


Monday, September 3, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Sept 3, 2012

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra-lxoAUP5c - TED - Paul Nicklen - Arctic/Antarctic photographer for National Geographic - awesome talk - ****
http://www.emergingedtech.com/2012/09/celebrating-the-5th-anniversary-of-classroom-2-0-with-75-articles-from-innovative-educators/ - 5 yr of cr20 webinars - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/09/the-top-10-educational-livebinders-for.html - Top 10 livebinders for ed - very nice collection - ****
http://cyber-kap.blogspot.com/2012/08/20-web-20-sites-that-does-not-require.html - Web 2.0 sites not requiring student emails - ****
http://visuwords.com/ - Reminder: Interactive visual tree or words and meanings - ***.
http://www.aasa.org/content.aspx?id=24592 - Quality and Equity in Finnish Schools - by a ministry member - very different approach from ours... - ****
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/09/03/edmodo-vs-blogging/ - MrGOnline - Comparing Edmodo and Blogging - ***
http://zhaolearning.com/2012/08/16/doublethink-the-creativity-testing-conflict/ - Yong Zhao - The Creativity-Testing Conflict - thoughtful comments... - ***
http://goo.gl/Dp0QF - SchoolAtoZ - Public speaking in primary school - more is needed... - ***
http://www.noodletools.com/debbie/literacies/ - NoodleTools - differentiated instruction of literacy to students - ***
http://storify.com/jssalc/thinglink-and-the-classroom - Collection: Thinglink in the classroom (Storify) - ***
http://polkast.com/ - Polkast - Personal cloud - access your files from any device - **
http://clea.nr/ - CleanNr - Browser extensions and websites that declutter the web - trying this in the lab... - ***
http://www.braineos.com/ - Braineos - create flashcards and games - ***
http://goo.gl/sBim9 - 100 video sites educators should bookmark - ***
http://edudemic.com/2012/08/the-25-secrets-to-design-every-teacher-should-know/ - Edudemic - 25 Design Secrets every teacher should know - ***
http://cisr.nps.edu/cyberciege/index.htm - CyberCiege - video game to teach computer and network security - ***
http://goo.gl/G9Fkf - Make your own smartphone app at Webmonkey - **


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Sept 1, 2012

http://gettingsmart.com/blog/2012/08/5-apps-to-efficiently-increase-student-engagement/ - GettingSmart - 5 apps to lower teacher anxiety and raise student voices - ****
http://smartblogs.com/education/2012/08/17/are-kids-really-motivated-technology/ - SmartBlogonEd - Kids are not motivated by technology - ****
http://goo.gl/nvisI - FreeTech4Teachers - best blogs of the month - nice list from this popular site - ****
http://www.edutopia.org/blog/one-to-one-ipad-reflection-andrew-marcinek - Edutopia - What we learned - a 1:1 iPad Reflection - ****
http://lore.com/about/ - LORE for students - a social network for learners - ***
http://goo.gl/9lXK9 - EdTechandMobile - 25 Tech Tips every teacher should know (slideshare) - also http://goo.gl/fGqmL - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/08/free-teacher-video-tutorials.html - EdTechandMobile - Websites for Ed Video Tutorials - ***
http://goo.gl/FFSiU - edudemic - 50 ways to use Google+ Hangouts - ***
http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/constructivism/index.html - Review of constructivism - also http://www.ndt-ed.org/TeachingResources/ClassroomTips/Constructivist%20_Learning.htm - ***
http://www.readthewords.com/TestTeachers.aspx - ReadTheWords - text to speech for educators - ***
http://blog.fetchnotes.com/ - FetchNotes - Cloud-based notepad and file storage - very easy to use - 25Gb of storage - ***
http://www.aplusclick.com/index.html - A+Click - math and logic problems - rather challenging - ***
http://goo.gl/Sf5Gj - ScienceDaily - intentionally unvaccinated students put other children at risk - ***
http://sqworl.com/vec8xd - sqworl - nice collection of math sites/groups - ***
http://unusedwords.com/ - UnusedWords - learn a new word a day - **
http://presentationtube.net/index_record.php - PresentationTube - add video window to PowerPoint presentation - download - free version avaiable - **
http://www.scanmyessay.com/ - Viper plagiarism checker - **