Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 31, 2012

http://edudemic.com/2012/05/best-web-tools-slides/ - Edudemic - Top 100 tools for learning in 2011 - slideshow with ratings and links - *****
http://www.classroom20.com/ - Reminder: Classroom 2.0 - great Saturday webinars - *****
http://thejournal.com/articles/2012/07/25/5-things-not-to-do-during-an-ipad-rollout.aspx - THE journal - 5 things not to do during an iPad rollout - ****
http://youtu.be/7u6ozCGQWr4 - Google - Advanced use of Google Forms for educators - ****
http://www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit/365641 - livebinder of webtools by type - ****
http://goo.gl/DnwvG - 5 Hallmarks of good homework assignments - ****
http://presentationtube.net/ - PresentationTube - record, upload, share videos - made for teachers - ***
http://www.naiku.net/quick-question/ - Naiku QuickQuestion - instant feedback from mobiles and computers - ***
http://arthistoryworlds.org/ - Art and history - very beautiful and informative - ***
http://qualityrubrics.pbworks.com/w/page/992395/Home - QualityRubrics Wiki - discussions and guidelines - ***
http://goo.gl/W1q2D - self publishing by the numbers - infographic - ***
http://www.teachingheart.net/indexofc.html - TeachingHeart - Back to school giveaways for K-3 - ***
http://smartphonenation.com/2010/12/top-ipad-apps-for-college-students/ - top iPad apps for college students - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/15-great-free-apps-for-professional.html - EdTechandMobile - 15 free iPad apps for professional development - ***
http://www.wiziq.com/ - WizIQ - Online teaching platform - costs - **



Monday, July 30, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 30, 2012 (none on 29th)

http://www.anatronica.com/systems.html - Anatronica - Unity3D anatomy maps by system (better than Google..) - *****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/8-free-tools-to-easily-and-instantly.html - EdTechandMobile - Create animations/videos in the cloud - ****
http://www.iteach-uk.com/resource/fantastic-apps - iTeach - list of fantastic apps for education - ***
http://www.squidoo.com/ipad-grants - squidoo - iPad grants - ***
http://www.bestcollegesonline.com/blog/2010/05/31/100-great-tech-talks-for-educators/ - 100 great tech talks for educators - ***
http://downloadsquad.switched.com/2010/09/04/airdropper-lets-people-put-files-into-your-dropbox-without-s/ - Airdropper - Put files into Dropbox without a Dropbox account - ***
http://blogs.nitle.org/2010/10/04/beyond-powerpoint-emerging-technologies/ - nitle - Beyond  PowerPoint:emerging technologies for presentations - ***
http://internet-map.net/ - the Internet map - 2 million site links based on topical similarities - clustered by interactions - **
http://goo.gl/GvhGF - FreeTech4Teachers - using Diigo and Jing for grading - **


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 28, 2012

http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/7-excellent-tools-to-publish-students.html - EdTechandMobile - 7 tools to publish kids' work - ****
http://twubs.com/ - twsubs - Twitter hashtag lookup and search - ***
http://wefollow.com/twitter/education - weFollow - List of top education twitter links with followers - ***
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/28/transferring-files-to-and-from-ipad-using-filebrowser/ - MrGOnline - iPad file transfer using FileBrowser - ***
http://webcodertools.com/imagetobase64converter/ - image to base64 encoder (OK, nerdy...) - **
http://www.howtogeek.com/119365/how-to-hide-zip-files-inside-a-picture-without-any-extra-software/ - hide a zip file inside a picture (likewise nerdy...) - **


Diigo Ed Picks - July 27, 2012

http://edudemic.com/2012/07/could-this-be-your-classroom-of-the-future/ - Edudemic - The classroom of the future - impressive video by Intel - sometimes it's nice to dream... - ****
http://goo.gl/8qv76 - Apps Swap Meet - slide show with links to apps organized by type - simple and worth a look - ****
http://www.fluency21.com/blogpost.cfm?blogID=2402 - 21stCentFluencyProject - 100 iPad apps perfect for middle school - ****
https://www.superbetter.com/about - SuperBetter - game approach to achieving goals - ***
http://www.districtadministration.com/article/gaming-gains-respect - DistrictAdministration - Gaming gains respect in the classroom - ***
http://www.tuaw.com/2012/07/26/itunes-u-opens-up-limited-accounts-to-k-12-teachers/ - iTunesU opens limited accounts to K12 teachers - ***
http://www.scoop.it/t/pervasive-entertainment-times - Scoop.It - Pervasive Entertainment Times - leading edge entertainment links - Google spaces, 4DTV, weird stuff... - ***
https://fiber.google.com/about/ - Google Fiber - Fiber optic network from Google - 100x faster than current - pre-register and if enough sign up, your area is selected - ***
http://designbeep.com/2012/07/12/the-evolution-of-the-web8-awesome-html5-infographics/ - HTML5 infographics - various topics - ***
http://www.boundless.com/about_us/ - Boundless - connect to textbook-free content created by leading educators - ***
http://gizmodo.com/5813875/what-happens-in-60-seconds-on-the-internet - 60 Seconds on the Internet - what happens - infographic - **
http://pinterest.com/tesResources/technology-in-the-classroom/ - Pinterest - collection of Ed Tech infographics and links - **


Diigo Ed Picks - July 26, 2012

http://www.stemresources.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=70 - stemresources - nice list of formative assessments - overview, implementation, reference, handout - ****
http://blog.pamelafox.org/2010/09/embedding-rss-feed-gadgets-in-google.html - PamelaFox - Adding feed gadgets to Google sites - good tips on a technical item - pretty cool blog... - ****
http://edte.ch/blog/2008/08/23/10-google-forms-for-the-classroom/ - EdTech - 80+ Google forms for the classroom - also - http://edte.ch/blog/2012/01/21/74-interesting-ways-to-use-google-forms-in-the-classroom/ - ****
http://www.classroom20.com/page/2012-learning-2-0-virtual-conference - Learning 2.0 online conference - coming Aug 20-24 - looks pretty good... - ****
http://www.guide2digitallearning.com/blog_leslie_wilson/student_achievement_research_meets_technology - Guide2Learning - Article on student achievement enhancers - useful links - ****
http://visual.ly/ - Reminder: Visual.ly infographic design site - easy to use - ***
http://teachersfirst.wikispaces.com/OK2Ask - teachersfirst wiki - Blackboard collaborate chat sessions on various topics - small audiences - ***
http://blog.edmodo.com/category/webinars/ - Edmodo webinars - ***
http://www.edtechteam.com/workshops/2011-01-14 - EdTechTeam - Using Google Docs to support your Professional Learning Community (PLC) - ***
http://www.learnitin5.com/Celly - learnitin5 - video: group texting with Celly - ***
http://www.woothemes.com/upcoming-products/lms/ - LMS theme for Wordpress - alternative to Moodle, Blackboard - need to purchase - **


Diigo Ed Picks - July 28, 2012

http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/7-excellent-tools-to-publish-students.html - EdTechandMobile - 7 tools to publish kids' work - ****
http://twubs.com/ - twsubs - Twitter hashtag lookup and search - ***
http://wefollow.com/twitter/education - weFollow - List of top education twitter links with followers - ***
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/28/transferring-files-to-and-from-ipad-using-filebrowser/ - MrGOnline - iPad file transfer using FileBrowser - ***
http://webcodertools.com/imagetobase64converter/ - image to base64 encoder (OK, nerdy...) - **
http://www.howtogeek.com/119365/how-to-hide-zip-files-inside-a-picture-without-any-extra-software/ - hide a zip file inside a picture (likewise nerdy...) - **


Friday, July 27, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 27, 2012

http://edudemic.com/2012/07/could-this-be-your-classroom-of-the-future/ - Edudemic - The classroom of the future - impressive video by Intel - sometimes it's nice to dream... - ****
http://goo.gl/8qv76 - Apps Swap Meet - slide show with links to apps organized by type - simple and worth a look - ****
http://www.fluency21.com/blogpost.cfm?blogID=2402 - 21stCentFluencyProject - 100 iPad apps perfect for middle school - ****
https://www.superbetter.com/about - SuperBetter - game approach to achieving goals - ***
http://www.districtadministration.com/article/gaming-gains-respect - DistrictAdministration - Gaming gains respect in the classroom - ***
http://www.tuaw.com/2012/07/26/itunes-u-opens-up-limited-accounts-to-k-12-teachers/ - iTunesU opens limited accounts to K12 teachers - ***
http://www.scoop.it/t/pervasive-entertainment-times - Scoop.It - Pervasive Entertainment Times - leading edge entertainment links - Google spaces, 4DTV, weird stuff... - ***
https://fiber.google.com/about/ - Google Fiber - Fiber optic network from Google - 100x faster than current - pre-register and if enough sign up, your area is selected - ***
http://designbeep.com/2012/07/12/the-evolution-of-the-web8-awesome-html5-infographics/ - HTML5 infographics - various topics - ***
http://www.boundless.com/about_us/ - Boundless - connect to textbook-free content created by leading educators - ***
http://gizmodo.com/5813875/what-happens-in-60-seconds-on-the-internet - 60 Seconds on the Internet - what happens - infographic - **
http://pinterest.com/tesResources/technology-in-the-classroom/ - Pinterest - collection of Ed Tech infographics and links - **


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 25, 2012

http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/teachers-easy-guide-to-most-important.html - Worth repeating - EdTechandMobile - Lists of most important web tools for education - *****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/10-great-flashcard-making-tools-for.html - EdTechandMobile - 10 Flash card making tools for educators - ****
https://www.thegamecrafter.com/ - GameCrafter - downloadable resources for board and card games - rules, etc. - ****
http://goo.gl/TQSBY - a curriculum: Understanding YouTube and digital citizenship - text, videos, slides - ****
http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech111.shtml - EducationWorld - Using electronic portfolios in the classroom - ****

http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/uc-berkeley-joins-edx-effort-to-offer-free-open-courses/37969 - UCB joins the free courseware movement - ***
http://creativecommons.org/choose/ - CreativeCommons - license chooser - how to license creative work - ***
http://word2cleanhtml.com/ - Word to clean HTML - works pretty well - much better than Word itself - ***
https://developers.google.com/youtube/youtube_upload_widget - Experimental YouTube upload widget - webcam and file uploads - ***
http://simplek12.titanpad.com/312? - TitanPad example - collaborative notes from Shelly Terrell webinar "Bringing your textbook to life" - ***
http://projectfedena.org/ - fedena - free opensource school management software and student information system - ***

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DexW2QfCSKU - Flipped classroom panel discussion - 48min - **
http://www.worldmapper.org/ - static and animated world maps of various kinds - **


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 24, 2012

http://wendellms.wcpss.net/resources-stu/resources-publishingsites.htm - Student publishing sites - simple but rich list - ****
http://www.mixedink.com/#/_how_it_works - mixedInk - simple free way to write together - cool, gradable wiki for students - ****
http://classroom.leanderisd.org/webs/eportfolio/home.htm - electronic portfolios for students - nice package of resources - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/teachers-easy-guide-to-most-important.html - EdTechandMobile - lists of most important web tools for education - good resource! - ****
http://www.hpl.hp.com/breweb/quiprocone/Protected/DD_lectures.htm - Video lectures on quantum computation - excellent pace and content - ****
http://www.ted.com/quotes - TED talk quotes - try searching on Ken Robinson... - ****
http://educationaltechnologyguy.blogspot.com/2012/01/10-important-skills-students-need-for.html?spref=tw - 10 important skills students need for the future - ****
http://commoncore.org/maps/resources/digital_resources - Commoncore - Digital resources in the CC curriculum maps - ****
http://www.open.ac.uk/personalpages/mike.sharples/Reports/Innovating_Pedagogy_report_July_2012.pdf - OpenU - Innovative pedagogy PDF - interesting topics - ****

http://www.watchknowlearn.org/default.aspx - WatchKnowLearn - free videos for K12 - ***
http://appletoolbox.com/2012/07/all-about-accessibility-accessibility-features-of-ipad-iphone-and-ipod/ - AppleToolbox - Accessibility features of iPad/phone/pod - ***
http://www.ncte.ie/media/PDF_e-LearningRoadmap.pdf - NCTE - elearning roadmap PDF - ***
http://dotlearnt.com/2012/07/23/free-summer-reading-adventure-for-kids-on-itunes/ - dotlearnt - Summer reading program on iTunes - ***
http://soundgecko.com/ - soundGecko - turn any web page into a podcast for on the go - ***
http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/summer_olympics/ - NSF - Science of the Summer Olympics - short videos from many sports - ***
http://www.frontiersin.org/Educational_Psychology/10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00230/full - Frontiers - PowerPoint presentation flaws - a psychological analysis (deep...) - ***

http://jsbin.com/ - jsBin - collaborative javascript programming - has a programmer-oriented interface... - ***
http://goo.gl/b2Dvk - EdTechandMobile - Critical thinking skills for educators - ***
http://www.origami-resource-center.com/dollar-bill.html - dollar bill origami - **
http://www.bitsfrombytes.com/content/3dtouch-3d-printer - 3DTouch - another 3D printer - about $4k - too spendy! - **


Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 22, 2012

http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&EntryId=4569 - Tech&Learning - 15 sites to learn to program or code - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/9-great-new-web-tools-for-teachers.html - EdTechandMobile - 9 new great web tools - incl lab simulations - ****
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/22/educational-technology-buzzwords/ - MrGOnline - Ed Tech buzz words infographic - ****
http://web.subtext.com/education - SubText - collaborative iPad reading app - ***
http://davidwees.com/content/using-google-forms-choose-your-own-adventure-style-story - Blog - Use Google forms for a choose your own adventure style story - ***
http://omgspace.net/ - Doctoral project - interactive planet finder - **


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 21, 2012

http://thejournal.com/Articles/2012/01/10/5-K-12-Ed-Tech-for-2012.aspx?Page=1 - THE journal - Five K12 EdTech trends for 2012 - incl demise of LMS?... - *****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/a-quick-guide-on-blooms-taxonomy-apps.html - EdTechandMobile - Blooms taxonomy apps for iPad - ****
http://www.google.com/edu/teachers/youtube/curric/index.html - Google in Ed - Understanding YouTube and Digital citizenship - great curriculum - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/face-blurring-great-new-feature-from.html - EdTechandMobile - Face blurring in YouTube - cool! - ****
http://www-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/ - JPL Robotics page - ***
http://pdfmakerapp.com/ - PDF creator - edit content online and download PDF - **


Friday, July 20, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 20, 2012

http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/07/want-to-broadcast-live-on-youtube-youll-need-a-google-account-for-that/ - YouTube has live streaming through Google+ - ****
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frrZbq2LpwI&list=UUAuUUnT6oDeKwE6v1NGQxug&index=0&feature=plcp - Aurasma TED talk - augmented reality + scene recognition - also
http://dangerouslyirrelevant.org/2012/07/aurasma-what-could-you-do-with-augmented-reality-in-your-school-video.html - ****
http://www.teachhub.com/youtube-teacher-tools - TeachHub - Handy YouTube tools for teachers - short, sweet list - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/15-free-awesome-drawing-and-painting.html - EdTechandMobile - 15 awesome paint/drawing programs for kids - ****
http://watch2gether.com/ - watch videos online together - cool idea - ****

http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/computer-dies-learn-parts-fail/ - makeuseof - parts of a computer that fail - ***
http://www.dcrainmaker.com/2011/03/analyzing-your-swim-technique-in-pool.html - use GoPro to analyze swimming technique - ***
http://www.brainshark.com/what-is-brainshark.aspx - BrainShark - post and narrate presentations, and track who and where they're being watched - ***
http://www.techlearning.com/printableArticle.aspx?articleID=196605124 - Tech&Learning - Blooms Digital taxonomy - concise discussion - ***
http://goo.gl/O9AVl - JustBeamIt - sharing large files (up to 2Gb) online in seconds - ***
http://goo.gl/m2xs6 - Educause - Using Technology to impact student retention - ***

http://goo.gl/fqT8d - MakeUseOf - Plagtracker - another plagiarism checker - **
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/15/alternative-ipad-browsers/ - Alternative iPad browsers - **
http://goo.gl/xMHTR - Getting boys engaged with reading - **


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 19, 2012

http://www.classtools.net/ - ClassTools - create free ed games and activities in flash - free version has ads - ****
http://www.visuwords.com/ - Reminder: VisuWords - interactive visual dictionary and thesaurus - impressive - ****
http://gettingsmart.com/blog/2012/07/10-apps-that-combine-learning-with-fun/ - GettingSmart - 10 Fun Learning Apps - ****
http://www.clayyourself.com/ - ClayYourself - create a claymation figure of yourself - clever animation site! - ****

http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page - OpenSIM - open source 3D simulator like second life - unix - ***
http://groups.diigo.com/group/diigoineducation - MIT+K12 - crowdsourced STEM video lessons - ***
http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/dropbox-quickest-ways-share-file-si/ - Makeuseof - 6 Alternatives to DropBox - ***
http://au.millionshort.com/ - Removes top n hits from a search - like an "anti-Google" - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/the-13-must-know-professional.html - EdTechandMobile - 13 Must-know professional development websites for teachers - ***
http://www.yummymath.com/ - YummyMath - relevant math exercises and animations - nicely done - ***
http://jeopardylabs.com/ - JeopardyLabs - create Jeopardy quizzes online - ***
http://www.bitstrips.com/ - bitstrips - create your own comic strips - has school program - ***
http://www.twictnet.blogspot.com/ - Popup windows in Word - interesting animated presentation - Cool avatar - even "reads" her notes! - ***
http://www.twict.net/ - Google experiment using Google Apps as a learning management system - ***

http://www.bibme.org/ - Reminder: BibMe - bibliography maker - **
http://www.todaysmeet.com/ - TodaysMeet - for back channel communication during your presentation - **
http://www.polleverywhere.com/ - PollEverywhere - in-class polling via texting - **
http://qualityrubrics.pbworks.com/w/page/44244080/Tools%20for%20Writing%20Rubrics - Tools for writing rubrics - **


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 18, 2012

http://goo.gl/cbfxz - ProfessionalLearningBoard - How to use infographics in the classroom - good tips - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/list-of-free-must-have-pdf-tools-for.html - EdTechandMobile - free must-have PDF tools for educators - good list - ****
http://www.endangeredlanguages.com/ - EndangeredLanguages - effort to save global linguistic diversity - cool! - ****
http://goo.gl/99lsZ - Handy YouTube teacher tools - short, sweet list - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/4-free-tools-to-chop-just-segment-of.html - EdTechandMobile - Tools to chop a YouTube video - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/10-awesome-free-video-editing-tools-for.html - EdTechandMobile - Video editing tools for teachers - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/9-great-animation-and-video-creation.html - EdTechandMobile - Animation and video tools integrated with YouTube - ***
http://fdlsd.myhaikuclass.com/SitterD1/fdlsdpddevelopment/cms_page/view - FonDuLac School District example professional development site - ***
http://mashable.com/2012/07/17/history-html5/ - HTML5 history infographic - ***
http://oneocean.cbc.ca/biosphere/game - OneOcean - dizzying animation of a marine environment - David Suzuki hosts - ***

http://groups.diigo.com/group/cooltools - new...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 17, 2012

http://www.gapminder.org/upload-data/motion-chart/ - Gapminder - add a Gapminder motion chart to a Google spreadsheet - ****
http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/david_mccandless_the_beauty_of_data_visualization.html - TED video on data visualization - *****
http://engageny.org/resource/shifts-for-students-and-parents/ - EngageNY - PDF on involving parents in common core - ****
http://www.scistarter.com/ - collaborative science projects - ****
http://www.planethunters.org/ - finding exoplanets using SETI-like collaboration - ****
https://plus.google.com/u/0/109780686446922422512/posts - Google+ maker camp - ****
http://goo.gl/dLT2s - more 3D street art - might make a neat classroom project - use a projector to layout image - reverse top to bottom - ****
http://www.gapminder.org/ - Update: Gapminder visualization application - ***
http://science.kqed.org/quest/education/professional-development/science-based-google-maps/ - KQED - Science-based Google maps - ***
http://edudemic.com/2012/07/intellerum-ipads-education/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed - Edudemic - practical iPad considerations - ***
http://googlelittrips.com/GoogleLit/Home.html - Google LitTrips - using Google Earth - ***
http://www.filamentgames.com/games/citizen-science - CitizenScience game - ecology of a lake - ***
http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2012/07/asana-shared-task-management.html - FreeTech4Teachers - Asana task management application - ***
http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/PSHE%2C+RE%2C+Citizenship%2C+Geography+%26+Environmental - ICTMagic - site on world citizenship resources - ***
http://happyclassapp.com/ - Automated seating chart generator - ***
http://3dparks.wr.usgs.gov/ - Geology of national parks - interactive maps, 3D images, etc - ***
http://cropp.me/ - automatic image cropper - **


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 15, 2012

http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2012/07/10-ways-to-create-videos-without.html#.UAAb1fP77Qw.twitter - FreeTechForTeachers - creating videos without installing software - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/06/33-digital-skills-every-21st-century.html?m=1 - EdTech and Mobile - 33 Digital skills every 21st teacher should have - ****
http://www.edutecher.net/links.php and http://educlipper.net/ - Edutecher and Educlipper - profile and clip-board for teachers and students - look promising - ****
http://digitalroadtrip.tumblr.com/post/25602693682 - DigitalRoadtrip - Sync and share iPad files using iTunes - even grade and collaborate - ****
http://backchan.nl/ - Back Channel audience involvement in your presentation - audience suggests and votes on questions - ****
http://www.21stcenturyfluency.com/blogpost.cfm?blogID=2809 - 21st Century Fluency - 6 Tips for the successful online teacher - good advice - ****
http://www.emergingedtech.com/2012/07/4-new-technology-tools-for-measuring-learning-outcomes/ - Assessment systems to predict outcomes - ***
http://gettingsmart.com/blog/2012/07/5-essential-questions-eportfolios/ - GettingSmart - Essential Questions about eportfolios - ***
http://www.scoop.it/t/are-you-game - Scoop.it - are you game - games in education - ***
http://ictmagic.visibli.com/share/OeXD6R - Picozu - multilayer online drawing/sharing tool - ***
http://science-class.net/ - Science-class - resources for elem and middle school science teachers - ***
http://www.inventionatplay.org/playhouse_main.html - inventionatplay - drawing, puzzle, word games to play with and create - ***
http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/ccmcguid.html - UTexas copyright crash course - ***
http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/dec07/vol65/num04/The-Best-Value-in-Formative-Assessment.aspx - ASCD - Best value in formative assessment - **


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 14, 2012

http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com/home - Web 2.0:Cool Tools for Schools - great wiki - ****
http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2012/07/14-smart-tips-for-using-ipads-in-class/ - KQED Mind/Shift - Tips for iPads in Class - ****
http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&EntryId=4541 - mind mapping tools - ***
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kebBvD9UPOM - Freemind to Open Office outline - ***
http://pbskids.org/webonauts/ - PBS Webonauts Internet academy - game promotes web citizenship for 8-10 year-olds - ***
http://www.nexus7tablethelp.com/2012/07/how-to-pairconnect-nexus7-to-bluetooth.html - turning on Bluetooth for Nexus 7 - keyboard, headset, etc. - ***
http://www.scribblar.com/index.cfm - online whiteboard, chat, etc.  A bit complicated compared to others - ***
http://thejournal.com/Articles/2012/07/02/online-algerba.aspx?Page=1 - THE journal - 8ths and algebra - the case for online learning - ***
http://www.litcircles.org/ - Literature circles - advice and resources - **


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 12, 2012

http://www.visualthesaurus.com/vocabgrabber/ - VocabGrabber - extracts vocabulary from text and displays visual thesaurus - ****
http://mrspripp.blogspot.com/2012/02/it-is-not-about-gadgets-why-every.html - Good comments about why teachers need to integrate technology not just use it - ****
http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2012/07/what-it-takes-to-launch-a-mobile-learning-program-in-schools/ - KQED - Launch a mobile learning program in schools - ****
http://goo.gl/kE9YU - the MineCraft teacher - using Minecraft in education - ***
http://blog.friendshipcircle.org/2012/05/01/52-autism-news-articles-videos-and-blog-posts-you-need-to-read/ - Autism articles and posts - ***
http://clickspeak.clcworld.net/about.html - ClickSpeak - FIrefox add-on to speak text - ***
http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/themes/icts/m4ed/mobile-learning-resources/unescomobilelearningseries/ - UNESCO mobile learning reports - **
http://sjunkins.posterous.com/collect-student-ipad-creations-with-edmodo - capture iPad images/video using Edmodo - **
http://iconbug.com/search/q/online/ - IconBug - free icons and clip art - **
https://thimble.webmaker.org/en-US/ - Mozilla Thimble - easily build web pages - **


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 11, 2012

http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/nexus-7-competition-ipad-opinion/ - Nexus 7 - android competition for iPad mini - $249 - I want... - *****
http://www.scoop.it/t/digital-presentations-in-education - Scoop.it - digital presentation tools and ideas - new and interesting! - ****
http://byob.berkeley.edu/ - Build Your Own Blocks - offshoot of Scratch - advanced drag-n-drop programming for kids - ****
http://goo.gl/V3zCq - Reminder: Edudemic - 100 search engines you may not know about - ****
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/what-teachers-need-to-know-about-byod.html - EdTech&Mobile - What you need to know about BYOD - ****
http://www.triptico.co.uk/ - Triptico application - Desktop app of tools for teaching (download desktop app) - check the blog for details about content - ****
http://goo.gl/XyWes - Microsoft Infinite Canvas - a canvas-based presentation tool - Prezi-like - ***
http://vimeo.com/42066807 - Create student portfolios using EverNote - ***
http://teacherbootcamp.edublogs.org/2010/12/10/lets-play-20-sites-for-young-learners/ - Teacher Reboot - 20+ play sites for young learners - ***
http://mobilelearning4specialneeds.wikispaces.com/eBook - Mobile Learning for special needs - eBooks on mobile accessibility - ***
http://www.scribd.com/doc/99656262/Google-Sites-for-Teachers-2012 - Scribd - Google Sites for Teachers - eBook - ***
http://www.snappii.com/ - snAppi - make custom app for iOS or Android - ***
http://litreactor.com/columns/20-common-grammar-mistakes-that-almost-everyone-gets-wrong - Common grammar mistakes - ***
http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/data-recovered-failed-ssd/ - Recover data from a failed Solid State Disk - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/ted-books-new-free-app-from-ted-for.html - TED Books app - ***


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 10, 2012

http://efacetoday.blogspot.com/2012/01/easily-create-your-schools-mobile-app.html - eFACE - Use WebMobi to create a school App - Incredibly Cool! - *****
http://1aiway.com/nlp4net/services/enparser/ - Sentence diagrammer - type a sentence, it draws the diagram! - *****
http://www.samoore.com/2012/07/03/assessment-tools/ - Assessment tools for the flipped classroom - TEDEd, Flubaroo, QuizStar, and Quipper - ****
http://goo.gl/cU1Ac - Chronicle of Higher Ed - Developing an effective teaching portfolio - ****
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/10/digital-portfolios-is-blogging-a-good-option/ - Mr G Online - is blogging a good digital portfolio option? - ****
http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/eng/calendar-page-1.htm - Daily Math puzzle - has the answer - ****
http://nrich.maths.org/content/00/06/game1/StopClock.swf - stopclock degree quiz - stop the hand at the correct degree setting - fun! - ****
http://awwapp.com/ - A Web Whiteboard - simple online whiteboard application - ****
http://www.iste.org/connect/special-interest-groups.aspx - ISTE Special Interest Groups - join up... - ****
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSxt94vhf0 - Yong Zhao (U of Oregon) ISTE Keynote on entrepreneurship versus learning - also - http://zhaolearning.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ISTE2012.pdf - ****
http://www.emergingedtech.com/2012/05/8-great-free-web-resources-focused-on-using-the-ipad-in-education/ - EmergingEdTech - Free web resources about iPads in Ed - ***
http://www.efacetoday.blogspot.com/2012/04/please-use-nped-help-show-them-power-of.html - eFACE - agenda for teaching Twitter to teachers - ***
http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/253057/how_to_get_started_with_infographics.html - PCWorld - getting started with infographics - ***
http://www.scribd.com/doc/98946511/Web-2-0-Content-Creation-Tools-A-Quick-Guide - Web 2.0 content creation tools - ***
http://www.engineerguy.com/videos.htm - EngineerGuy videos - shows how various tech gadgets work by breaking them down - ***
http://goo.gl/QvdFs - Edutopia - iPads making a difference in the classroom - ***


Monday, July 9, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 9, 2012

https://www.sumo.fm/#create - SumoPaint - awesome online paint program - *****
http://www.newmanagement.com/music/tvthemesongs.html - Using TV theme songs in the classroom - ****
http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/futurecade - UK Science museum games - also http://preloaded.com/games/ - ***
http://teacherbootcamp.edublogs.org/free-ebooks/mobile-learning-50-resources-tips/ - Teacher Reboot camp - 50+ Mobile learning resources - ***
http://www.newtools.org/showtxt.php?docid=737 - NewTools Learning Event Generator - combines terms to create learning events - ***
https://www.tinkercad.com/home/ - TinkerCAD - simple online 3D designer - ***
http://www.dougwoods.co.uk/blog/flipped-classroom-beyond-the-videos/ - Flipped classroom - beyond the videos - nuts & bolts suggestions - ****
https://www.coursera.org/ - Coursera classes - Princeton, Stanford, Michigan, Penn - lots of topics - free - ***
http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2012/07/5-reasons-to-allow-students-to-use-cell.html - 5 Reasons to allow cell phone usage in class - ***
http://www.pdfonline.com/pdf-to-word-converter/index.htm - Reminder: PDFOnline - convert PDF to Word - ***
http://www.easel.ly/ - Reminder: create and share visual ideas online - **
http://www.pauseforlater.com/ - Pause video and come back to it - **
http://technologytailgate.blogspot.fr/2012/07/scootpad-great-common-core-practice.html - TechTailgate - common core practice site - **


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 8, 2012

http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/bloomstax/ - variety of Bloom's taxonomy representations also iPad stuff from Shambles - incl content filtering
http://lifehacker.com/5923588/the-best-google-features-youre-probably-not-using - lifehacker - best Google features you're probably not using
http://goo.gl/4zw19 - intuiFace - adds tablet-like control to presentations on a variety of devices - cool, but spendy!
http://www.noteflight.com/demo - noteFlight - compose music scores online and listen
http://www.loc.gov/bookfest/books-that-shaped-america/ - library of Congress - nice list of books that shaped America
http://interactivesites.weebly.com/index.html - Interactive Sites for Education - collection of animations and games by subject
http://www.theappbuilder.com/ - Reminder: the appBuilder - free and priced app building
http://byliner.com/spotlights/101-spectacular-nonfiction-stories - byLiner - 101 Spectacular nonfiction stories - like "the last two WWI veterans"...


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 7, 2012

http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/teachers-easy-guide-on-how-to-evaluate.html - EdTech and Mobile - Teacher guide to evaluate web content - ****
http://www.schrockguide.net/assessment-and-rubrics.html - Kathy Schrock - Assessment Rubrics - nice list - ****
http://www.google.com/educators/p_websearch.html - Google web search lessons - nice collection - ****
http://blog.simplek12.com/education/10-useful-ipad-resources/ - SimpleK12 - iPad resources for educators - ****
http://epubbud.com/ - epubbud - free children's eBooks - **
http://goo.gl/lLC3I - InkleWriter - Help writers tell interactive tales with a minimum of fuss - **


Friday, July 6, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 6, 2012

http://www.techchef4u.com/?p=3460 - Bloomin' Hackathon - includes Simpson video on Blooms
http://classroomwindow.com/flipped-classrooms-improved-test-scores-and-teacher-satisfaction/ - Benefits of Flipping in an infographic
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/teachers-guide-on-use-of-wikis-in.html - Teacher's Guide to the use of Wikis in education
http://www.itap.purdue.edu/studio - Purdue Studio - apps including JetPack - to make learning mobile and interactive
http://www.android4schools.com/ - Reminder: Android for schools
http://www.scoop.it/t/online-video-in-education - Using Online Video in education
http://talkminer.com/ - TalkMiner - search for terms in YouTube video text


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 5, 2012

http://www.futureofeducation.com/forum/topics/top-12-most-read-posts-in-educational-technology-and-mobile - Most read Future or Ed posts - very interesting list - *****
http://edudemic.com/2012/07/40-open-education-resources-you-should-know-about/ - Top notch list of free programs and resources from Edudemic - *****
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/05/web-2-0-for-the-under-13s-crowd/ - Mr G Online - Web 2.0 for Under-13 - a much needed blog! - *****
http://www.goedonline.com/101-websites-for-english-teachers#.T9tOPUtGC-A.diigo - 101 excellent sites for English Educators - good list - ****
http://edudemic.com/2012/07/best-search-engines/ - Edudemic - 100 powerful search engines you may not know about - ****
http://www.awrsd.org/resources/parent--community-info/ipad-pilot-project - iPad Pilot Project in Mass - nuts and bolts of their approach - details - ****
http://edudemic.com/2012/06/1181-google-tricks-that-will-save-you-time/ - 181 Google tricks to save time - ****
http://goo.gl/xpJ2g - Teens view their digital lives - infographic from CommonSenseMedia - ****
http://www.naace.co.uk/publications/longfieldipadresearch - iPad use report at an Academy - extensive statistics - PDF - ****
http://www.raspberrypi.org/ - another plug for $25 computer running Linux - ***
http://www.ouramericanrevolution.org/ - US Revolution website - nicely presented - ***
http://free.zoner.com/ - Zoner Photo Studio download - free photo editing - ***
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/19/magazine/classroom-technology.html - classroom technology timeline from NY Times - starts with hornbook - **
http://www.schoolreportwriter.com/ - Interesting - like Word templates for reports - works online - **
http://kustomnote.com/ - Custom notes for EverNote - **
http://rubistar.4teachers.org/ - Rubistar - search for and create rubrics - **


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - July 4, 2012

http://www.emergingedtech.com/2012/07/5-reasons-why-byod-is-a-bad-idea/ - Why BYOD may not be a good idea - ***
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/07/what-kids-learn-from-online-gaming.html - Kid giving TED talk on learning from games - ***
http://tericeschneider.com/?p=22 - tips to prepare teachers for 1:1 iPads - ***
http://learningjar.com/ - LearningJar - lessons from successful professionals in a variety of areas - ***
https://sites.google.com/site/adms647summer12/tutorials/flippingtheclass - EdTech for School Leaders - flipped classrooms - good info for admins - ***
http://thejournal.com/articles/2012/07/02/online-algerba.aspx - t.h.e. journal - 8th Algebra and Online Learning - ***
http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2012/07/picture-is-worth-1000-gigabytes.html - FreeTech4Teachers - Middle Schoolers creating infographics - ***
http://mtn2.e2bn.org/mtn/ - MakingTheNews2 - kids participate in the world of online media publishing and broadcasting - ***
http://www.youthlearn.org/learning/planning/lesson-planning/how-inquiry/how-inquiry - YouthLearn howto on Inquiry for students - **
http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/cds-truth-cddvd-longevity-mold-rot/ - facts about CD/DVD longevity - **
http://www.edutopia.org/service-learning-fowler-how-to - Edutopia - Service learning to engage kids - **
http://goo.gl/fYxZr - Importance of community colleges in providing soft skills - **


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Jul 3, 2012

http://www.thestateoftech.org/ - Useful ed tech podcasts - one on LMSs is quite good - many interviews - ****
http://www.sciencefriday.com/ - ScienceFriday - definitely a link to remember - ****
http://www.jeffbullas.com/2010/09/10/69-ideas-for-your-blog-to-make-the-dead-take-notice/ - Tips to make your blogs rock! Good ideas... - ****
http://www.coolinfographics.com/blog/2012/6/15/200-infographic-resumes-an-escalating-trend.html - cool infographics - things like infographic resumes, etc. - ****
http://www.cultofmac.com/176871/how-to-customize-google-chrome-for-ios-and-make-it-your-default-browser-jailbreak/ - Jailbreak Google Chrome for iOS - ***
http://www.sandboxgamemaker.com/ - SandBox 3D game maker - impressive! - ***
http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/mobile2012 - Symbaloo of 60 Apps in 60 minutes - ***
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/hold_ye_front_page/ - History of the world in Sun front pages - timelines etc - ***
http://typingsoft.com/ - Stamina typing tutor - includes techniques - **
https://slide.ly/ - Photostory-like slide shows, with somewhat annoying animated overlays - **


Monday, July 2, 2012

Diigo Ed Picks - Jul 2, 2012

http://ilearntechnology.com/?p=4695&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=edutweeps - YouTube viewers that eliminate distractions - ****
http://goo.gl/T4GVp - Generate QR code in a Google docs spreadsheet - cool! - ***
http://www.questionpress.com/ - QuestionPress - classroom and audience response system - ***
http://domo.goanimate.com/studio - Domo animation studio online - ***
http://readlists.com/ - readLists - bundle a group of web pages into an eBook - ***
http://ankisrs.net/ - Flashcard and memory program - download - ***
http://www.sophia.org/ - Sophia - online classes on a wide variety of subjects - 25000 tutorials - ***
http://talktyper.com/ - talkTyper - speech to text - uses Chrome - ***
http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/ngfl/maths/cynnal/polyhydra/polyhydra.swf - Polyhedra investigations - challenging interactive animations & tests - ***
http://piktochart.com/ - Create infographics free - ***
http://goo.gl/LQ3ys - Asking better questions in the classroom - ***
http://www.peterpappas.com/2012/06/the-flipped-classroom-getting-started.html - The Flipped Classroom - getting started (slideshow) - ***
http://goo.gl/5UJj9 - Flipped classroom for Maker classes - ***
http://goo.gl/oS1cW - ISTE12 list of Apps for iPad in Education - ***
http://mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/01/ipad-nearly-pc-for-teaching/ - iPad practicalities in the classroom - ***
http://www.k-state.edu/assessment/slo/how.htm - Writing student learning outcomes using Blooms - **
http://www.openculture.com/ - Free cultural and educational media on the web - **
